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Optimizing the Size and Improving the Impact of CNS Field-Based Medical Teams in Major Global Markets

ID: POP-310


14 Info Graphics

41 Data Graphics

540+ Metrics

12 Narratives

Pages: 62

Published: 2019

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With high unmet medical need, the global central nervous system (CNS) market holds potential for significant growth. However, many CNS drug franchises face a variety of restraints due to high development costs, low approval rates of drugs, and stringent regulations.

As organizations look to enhance their position in the U.S. market and expand their CNS footprint in other high-potential global markets, it is critical to equip field-based medical teams with the tools and insights needed to effectively engage thought leaders and payers.

Best Practices, LLC conducted this benchmarking research to help inform CNS field-based medical and other leadership teams about the region-specific strategies employed by competitors.

This report will enable CNS drug manufacturers to fill knowledge gaps around key field-based medical team operational areas, including: staffing levels, resource allocations, productivity measures, efficiency (time spent on key external and internal activities), frequency of thought leader interactions by tier, effective communication channels, and tactics and tools for leveraging CNS field insights across the organization.

Industries Profiled:
Pharmaceutical; Biopharmaceutical; Biotech; Manufacturing; Chemical; Health Care; Medical Device

Companies Profiled:
AcelRx; Alkermes; Allergan; Amgen; Biogen; Chiesi; Daiichi Sankyo; Gedeon Richter ; Genentech; Janssen; Merck; Pfizer; Roche; Shire; Sunovion

Study Snapshot

Best Practices, LLC engaged 17 medical affairs and field-based medical team leaders working in CNS/neurology/pain management therapeutic area at 15 leading biopharma companies through a benchmarking survey. Six deep-dive interviews were conducted with medical affairs leaders, whose insights were provided to enrich the data and add real-world context to the metrics and trends established.

To provide clear understanding of field medical trends across major markets, benchmark data is segmented by: Total Benchmark Class (N=17); Global Market Segment, excluding U.S. (N=9); North America Market Segment (N=8); and Europe (EU5) Market Segment (N=6).

Key topics covered in this report include:

  • Optimization of CNS field-based medical team staffing levels
  • Regional differences when building CNS field-based medical teams
  • Number of thought leaders that are supported by MSLs
  • How CNS field teams are staffed depending on stage of product lifecycle
  • Budget allocations and revenue supported per MSL
  • Duration and frequency of MSL and HOL interactions
  • The degree of proactive vs. reactive interactions
  • Time spent on internal and external activities

Key Findings

Sample key insights uncovered from this report are noted below. Detailed findings are available in the full report.

  • Staffing Trends & Field Team Makeup:

    • Average staffing for all field-based medical teams in this study (across 17 total country level survey responses) shows: 34 MSLs, 5 managers, 2 effectiveness leader, 5 HOLs and 1 manager
    • Global teams deploy 17MSLs, 2 managers, 7 effectiveness leaders, 1 HOL and 0 managers
    • U.S. teams deploy 57 MSLs, 8 managers, 3 effectiveness leaders, 9 HOLs and 2 managers
    • EU5 teams deploy 11 MSLs, 2 managers, 1 effectiveness leader, 1 HOL or 0 managers

  • Gaps in Weekly Time Spent vs. Goal Time on Key External Activities: Administrative and travel activities tend to take significantly more time than expected, while actual in-person time with KOLs falls well short of goals

    • On average, MSLs spend just 7.5 hours directly interacting with KOLs vs. a 9.5 hours weekly goal (11% under goal)
    • Instead, MSLs spend a weekly average of 7.4 hours on logistics and travel vs. a 5.9 hour goal (17% over goal)
    • External meeting prep, post-interaction activities and medical head office support time spent are all relatively in line with goals
Table of Contents

Executive Summarypg. 3
Study Objective, Background
Methodology, Segmentation, Topics Covered
Key Findings and Recommendations
Optimal CNS Field Team Staffing & Resourcespg. 12
Portfolio Size
CNS Field-Based Medical Team Staffing Levels
Thought Leaders Supported by MSL
Key Accounts and Payers Supported by MSLs and HOLs
MSL Staffing in Product Lifecycle
MSL Professional Background
Budget Allocated, Revenue Supported
Thought Leader Engagementpg. 35
Total Annual Interactions by Thought Leader Type
Duration of MSL and HOL Interactions
Frequency of MSL and HOL Interactions
Proactive vs. Reactive MSL Interactions
Frequency of 2253 Filings
Effective Communication Channels
Field Activities and Productivity Levelspg. 53
Time Spent on External and Internal Activities
Leveraging Field-Based Insights Across the Organization
Appendixpg. 60
Level of Job Titles

List of Charts & Exhibits

I. Optimal CNS Field Team Staffing & Resourcing Benchmarks

  • Total number of in-line and pipeline products supported by an MSL – Total benchmark class
  • Total number of in-line and pipeline products supported by an MSL – Global, North America and EU5 market segments
    Total number of staff allocated to different field-based medical roles – Total benchmark class
  • Total number of staff allocated to different field-based medical roles – Global, North America and EU5 market segments
    MSL vs. HOL staffing ratio
  • Use of HOLs, HOL managers and MSL effectiveness leaders at benchmark companies
  • Average number of thought leaders supported by each MSL; Mix of thought leaders supported by each MSL – Total benchmark class
  • Average number of thought leaders supported by each MSL – Global, North America and EU5 market segments
  • Voices from the field: Benefits of “Key Communication Maps”
  • Proportion of KOLs and HCPs supported per MSL
  • Voices from the field: Top-level driver of MSL value to the organization
  • Thought leader tiers supported by each MSL
  • Average number of large key accounts (hospitals, care networks or academic institutions) and payers supported by each MSL – Total benchmark class
  • Average number of large key accounts (hospitals, care networks or academic institutions) and payers supported by MSLs and HOLs – Global, North America and EU5 market segments
  • Percentage of the peak MSL team size assigned to support a product at each phase of the typical product lifecycle
  • Voices from the field: Role of U.S. MSLs in training fellow field liaisons and preparing global affiliates to help support new treatments
  • Effectiveness of onboarding MSLs at each phase of the product lifecycle
  • Professional background of MSLs
  • Effectiveness of listed types of prior MSL work experience in engaging thought leaders in high quality scientific discussions and building long-term relationships – Total benchmark class
  • Voices from the field: Mix of MSL professional background enables flexible approaches to allied health professionals and other emergent treatment stakeholders
  • Effectiveness of listed types of prior MSL work experience in engaging thought leaders in high quality scientific discussions and building long-term relationships – Global, North America and EU5 market segments
  • Average MSL experience, budget allocation and in-line revenue supported by each MSL

II. Thought Leader Engagement

  • Total yearly MSL interactions with thought leaders
  • Total KOL and HCP interactions per year
  • Total annual interactions with global, national and regional thought leaders
  • Voices from the field: Insights on net promoter score
  • Duration and frequency of MSL /HOL interactions with thought leaders and payers – Total benchmark class
  • Duration of MSL /HOL interactions with thought leaders and payers – Global, North America and EU5 market segments
  • Average frequency of MSL interaction with global, national and regional thought leaders; and average frequency of HOL interactions with payers
  • Percentage of proactive and reactive MSL interactions with thought leaders
  • Frequency of listed proactive activities conducted by MSLs
  • Frequency of listed reactive activities conducted by MSLs
  • Proactive vs. reactive MSL interactions – Global market segment
  • Proactive vs. reactive MSL interactions - North America market segment
  • Proactive vs. reactive MSL interactions - EU5 market segment
  • Frequency of 2253 filings in North America market segment
  • Effective channels for communicating with thought leaders – Total benchmark class
  • Effective channels for communicating with thought leaders – Global, North America and EU5 market segments
  • Voices from the field: KOL engagement

III. Field Activities and Productivity Levels

  • Actual time vs. goal time spent by MSLs on external-facing activities – Total benchmark class
  • Actual time vs. goal time spent by MSLs on external-facing activities – Global and EU5 market segments
  • Actual time vs. goal time spent by MSLs on internal-facing activities – Total benchmark class
  • Actual time vs. goal time spent by MSLs on internal-facing activities – Global market segment
  • Most effective processes for leveraging field-based insights across the organization
  • Most effective tools for leveraging field-based insights across the organization